Monday 25 May 2009

What does the new revolution need?

One writer says that round table revolutions must be accompanied by truth commissions. We look for his argument.

Source: The Straits Times, 22/5/9, p.A18
Headline: Round tables and truth commissions
Writer: Timothy Garton Ash

WARSAW: [Poland's] pioneering round table talks in early 1989 [was] the first in communist Europe. ... [A] large bagel shaped [table] is the symbol of the new kind of peaceful, negotiated revolution which in 1989 superseded the old, violent style of 1789. The round table replaces the guillotine. ... The new anti-Jacobin model of revolution, with its surreal encounters of former prisoners and their former jailers and torturers, requires painful, morally distasteful compromise. There is no great moment of revolutionary catharsis. The line between bad past and good future is necessarily blurred. ... Because that is so, the problems of the past come back to haunt you. ...

The "surreal encounters" of this new model of revolution has two consequences:
1. painful, morally distasteful compromise
2. blur line between bad past and good future

These two consequences produce a third consequence:
3. problems of the past return

That is why, 20 years on, I am more than ever convinced that the necessary complement to a round table is a truth commission. ...

"I am more than ever convinced" is a declaration of intense belief. One can intensely believe something false eg. holding hands cause pregnancy. This declaration is not an argument.

Why is a truth commission a "necessary complement" to a round table? How does "problems of the past return" lead to this? We await the arguments.

Where, as a result of the negotiated model of revolution, you cannot get justice, you can at least ask for truth. ...

Truth is sought as an inferior alternative to justice. This does not explain why a truth commission is a "necessary complement" to a round table. Intuitively, an inferior alternative is not the same thing as a necessary complement. The inferior alternative view also does not explain how "problems of the past return" leads to a "necessary complement".

Summary & Conclusion
The intended aim is to call for truth commissions to accompany round table revolutions. There is no clear argument for this position.


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