Friday 20 March 2009

Does technology affect the quality of a relationship?

Good news. Philosophy cafe has been reborn. The new format works. Participants are given a short primer on the dynamics of argument, then let loose on the question for the night. I step in only when discussion stymies or goes haywire. Here is a summary of the evening's answer. (The point of asking a question is to answer it, not to generate endless other questions.)

Technology is defined as telecommunication media eg. telephone, Internet, morse code, telegram, Skype.

Affect is defined as change, both for the better and for the worse.

Quality is defined as the way a relationship works eg. degree of honesty, time invested.

Relationship is defined as non-business human relationship, with an emotional stake.

Technology removes the need for face-to-face interaction. This has positive effect eg. allowing people half a world apart to keep in easy contact. This also has negative effect eg. office neighbours communicate via Messenger. The answer to our question is yes.

Technology is a distraction. Positive effect eg. incoming message interrupts a quarrel. Negative effect: the same interrupts a conversation. The answer is yes.

Technology is an obsession or compulsion. Clearly a negative effect. The answer is yes.

This is not an inevitable answer. The answer can also be no.

Technology will not affect the quality of a relationship if the persons concerned consciously decide to hold priorities that supercede technology eg. by switching off all communication devices while enjoying a candlelight dinner.

Technology will not affect the quality of a relationship if the persons concerned are unaware of the technology eg. if we observe a primitive tribe only via satellite.

Answer: Technology can be absent or ignored, in which cases it does not affect the quality of a relationship. Otherwise, it can have positive and negative effects.

Note to readers: This answer appears to be obvious when so clearly stated. But did you know this answer when you read just the heading to this post?

Enthusiastic first-time participants requested another session in a week's time. So the next philosophy cafe session is on Wednesday, 25/3/9, 8-10pm at Nook, 15 Chu Lin Road. All are welcome.

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